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Hi i'm Ashlee, im from South Wales and Currently Studying Drama and Theatre Studies along with Education at Bath Spa University! Here are some of my reviews, Enjoy!
Facebook: Ashlee Regan Twitter: AshleeZeey

Thursday 21 April 2011


Bouncers- Blackwood Miners Institute Tuesday 9th November
Simple , hilarious and thoroughly entertaining! A Blackrat production which is not to be missed! Originally re-written in the 80’s the cast gave the ‘oh so essential ‘modern twist making this play simply mind blowing! As you entered loud club music was playing and the actors already in their character roles as bouncers, checked bags, stopped and searched audience members . Instantly a fantastic atmosphere was created. The play opened with the characters ‘beat box’ style rendition of the Black Eyed Peas ‘ I got a feeling’ a tune that audience members of all ages recognised, Instantly holding everyone’s attention and engaging right from the word go .A Simple set was combined with fabulously intricate characters, weaved oh so perfectly together. They wonderfully portrayed the typical Friday night out! The tempo of the play was very pacy and was exactly what was needed. The characters seamlessly changed from one to another, never giving you a chance to loose interest. Their device used to identify each different character was a different prop significant to the character, for example when they were playing the rowdy bunch of women on their night out, they all quickly whipped up a bag, poking fun the traditional ‘handbag dance’ ,when playing the men on the typical lads night out, they un-buttoned the tops of their shirts. It was the attention to detail that I really appreciated, the fact there was very limited props really made you identify and get sucked into the characters story’s. This was something clearly shared by the whole of the audience. Lucky Eric played by Mike Doyle delivered a heartfelt set of monologues which didn’t leave a dry eye in the audience. The humour came in thick and fast, at times making you feel somewhat awkward. The humour was over-layed with uncomfortable truth. It was the shock of ‘ did they really just say that?’ that kept the audience in stitches throughout the play! The natural chemistry of the actors really shone through on the stage, and being in , such a small space made the banter between the actors and the crowd crucial , something that they executed perfectly! Throughout the production is very intense and there’s not a second that goes by that you loose any interest. This was down to the fantastic skills of the actors. If you’re looking for something simple , interesting and exceedingly funny look no further!

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