About Me

Hi i'm Ashlee, im from South Wales and Currently Studying Drama and Theatre Studies along with Education at Bath Spa University! Here are some of my reviews, Enjoy!
Facebook: Ashlee Regan Twitter: AshleeZeey

Thursday 21 April 2011

We Will Rock You!

– Cardiff Millennium Centre- Saturday 16th April
You don’t need to be a big fan of Queens music to enjoy this show, although at first I was slightly sceptical of the show as I wasn’t sure how they would incorporate the hit Queen numbers with a sustainable story line . However there’s been so much hype and good media reviews regarding and being dubbed ‘ The spectacular West End musical’ by the Daily Mirror I kept an open mind and oh boy was I not disappointed! I am a huge fan of musicals and this show was just perfect, not only did you know the songs (so you could have a cheeky sing along) but they went so perfectly with the story line! The entire cast had such strong amazing voices that you could not help but fall under their spell and get completely sucked into it! Their acting skills were brilliant, you could really see that they were putting their heart and soul into the roles. The dialogue was so funny and witty which made it easily accessible to all. The ‘one liners’ constantly had the audience in hysterics. The audience ranged in ages and looking around everyone of them loved it!
‘We will rock you’ was packed with brilliant songs, fantastic dancing , sound and effects! The set design and costumes were a credit to the show and a key element , everything worked wonderfully well together. The set swivelled out into the audience and was very large, which made it brilliant to see from all angles and different views. The impressive hydraulics and huge video screens brought to life a colourful version of the future and again made it action easy to see no mater where you were sitting .The special effects were amazing and kept you hooked throughout the play, the ‘Killer Bee’ scene was utterly spell binding! The music and effects just instantly uplifted you and you couldn’t help but sing along! You become so engrossed in the show that it seemed to go so quick, it didn’t feel like 2 hours and 45minutes, I wanted more! I loved every moment of it and so did everyone else, such a high energy show you couldn’t help but walk out with a smile on your face! This show was well worth the money and I would recommend it for anyone, even if you don’t like musicals you should really give this a try! You just may end up being converted! ****

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